Parish of Olveston Design Statement
Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel, Awkley
1. Background

1.1 Introduction

This Design Statement has been produced so that those living in Olveston Parish1 can have their views more clearly heard in the planning process. It describes what makes Olveston Parish distinctive and "special" and sets out guidelines to help ensure that new development and change respects the character of the area and is a positive contribution to the local environment.

The statement will be submitted to South Gloucestershire Council for adoption as Supplementary Planning Guidance. It should be read alongside the South Gloucestershire Local Plan and other Supplementary Planning Guidance.

Only examples considered to reflect good practice are illustrated.

How the Design Statement was produced

The Government encourages local communities to prepare design statements for their area. This Statement was produced following guidance published by the Countryside Commission2.

It is the community's document and was prepared in a way that involved as many residents as possible. Following a well attended public meeting in January 2002, a further public meeting confirmed the concept and process; a questionnaire survey to all 743 households in the Parish gathered views - this produced a response of over 30%; and emerging issues were discussed at a Workshop. To keep the work in the public eye and to encourage input, regular progress reports were made in the Parish magazine Meeting Point and a website was created. Finally, all residents were invited to view the draft and add their comments at an exhibition in the Parish Hall in January 2003 - over 200 residents took up the opportunity.

1. The civil parish of Olveston: including Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Lower Hazel, Ingst and Awkley. The Parish is 1705 hectares (4215 acres) in extent following boundary changes in 1988
2. Village Design: Making local character count in new development. Countryside Commission (1996)
Public meeting, Olveston Parish Hall
Web Design: Zeroface