Parish of Olveston Design Statement
Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel, Awkley
1. Background

1.2 Planning context

Planning policy for Olveston Parish is set out in the South Gloucestershire Local Plan3. This Design Statement is consistent with the policies in the Local Plan and provides supplementary guidance to reflect the special character of the Parish4.

The Parish is located wholly within the Bristol Green Belt5, in which new development is generally prohibited. The only exceptions should be for uses deemed suitable in green belts as defined in Government policy, namely: uses to do with agriculture and leisure; "infilling" within existing villages; and the conversion of redundant buildings constructed of traditional materials.

In Olveston and Tockington the older parts of the villages were designated as Conservation Areas in 1975 because of the concentration of buildings of historic and architectural interest. Designation is a recognition of the group value of buildings and their surroundings and the desirability of conserving the character of the area as a whole. Within conservation areas special policies apply and the design of new buildings and alterations to existing buildings must be handled with particular care6.

The community has been especially concerned about the nature of infilling in terms of the design of new buildings and their "fit" within the local environment, and that none of the recent developments has addressed the increasing need for lower cost/affordable housing.

3. The South Gloucestershire Local Plan was prepared by South Gloucestershire Council and may be viewed at public libraries
4. In particular, this design statement amplifies policy D1 of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan which concerns achieving good quality design in new development
5. The purpose of the Bristol Green Belt is to limit the further extension of the Bristol conurbation and prevent coalescence with neighbouring towns and villages
6. Information about the Conservation Areas can be viewed on the South Gloucestershire Council website
Local Plan
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