Parish of Olveston Design Statement
Olveston, Tockington, Old Down, Ingst, Lower Hazel, Awkley
2. The existing environment

4.5 Guidelines for the Conservation Areas

Any development within the Conservation Areas of Olveston and Tockington must be consistent with the policies set out in the South Gloucestershire Council Conservation Area Advice Note14 The boundaries of the Conservation Areas are due to be reviewed by South Gloucestershire Council. This will provide an opportunity to consider whether there is a case for extending the boundaries to provide added protection for the older parts of the villages.

'Development should preserve or enhance existing character' 15

Whilst the Conservation Areas within the Parish are, in part, protected by specific regulations, particular care is needed when considering any development proposals. The special character and quality of the Conservation Areas is fragile and could easily be eroded through inappropriate new development and alterations to buildings and boundaries. Conservation Area consent is usually required for any demolition and for works to trees.

14. The Conservation Area Advice Note is available from South Gloucestershire Council.
15. Extract from the ‘Conservation Area Advice Note’
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