Twinning Association
Olveston Parish Twinning Association
OPTA is a group of people from the parish of Olveston, who are interested in France and making links with new friends there. We have been twinned with a village in Brittany, western France, since 1997. The village is called Bréhan and is similar in some ways to Olveston - roughly the same size and quite rural. We enjoy regular visits to France and our French friends make return visits to Olveston. These visits are usually in alternate years so that one year we visit France and the next the French visit us.
Between our French visits, we also organise a range of events in Olveston, partly for fund raising and partly as enjoyable community events. (Check out the Events page on this website.) The annual Wine Challenge, for instance, has become an event to look forward to for many in the parish! We are always looking for new members, so if you're interested in joining us, do get in touch.
Please call Lucy Shrimpton (01454 430881) or Amanda Seevaratnam (07881 503828) if you'd like to be involved in any of our events.