Aust Village Hall


Aust Village Hall drawing

The village hall is situated at the entrance to Aust from the dual-carriageway to Avonmouth, the A403. It is a very pretty building and it was originally the local school. The pegs that the children used to hang their coats on are still there!

It has a decent-sized garden which we are renovating and we have replaced the iron railings and gate, making it safe for children to play. Inside the hall, there is one large main roomwith an additional kitchen and toilet, plus storage space with tables and chairs. The kitchen has now been renovated and the hall decorated, thanks to several grants. The details of these grants can be found outside the hall on our new noticeboard!

The hall is available for hire for £5 per hour. It is often used for children's parties, band practice, clothes sales, aerobics and French lessons. We also have a monthly coffee morning, on the 2nd Saturday of the month, to raise funds.

Anybody interested in hiring the hall should ring Jackie Cue on 01454 602957 (or mob: 07791 987878).

Photograph of Aust Village Hall